Dundurrabin Public School Newsletter Term 2, Week 6, 2023
Principal's Message
Every Day Counts
What's on for Term 2
Consent Notes to be Returned
Fortnightly Awards
Tennis for Sport
Yr 5 & 6 - GRIP Leadership Conference
Walk Safely to School
National Simultaneous Storytime
Gumbaynggirr Language Learning
Djembe Drumming
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Preschool Afternoons
Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Small Schools Athletic Carnival
Change of Bus Routine
Term 2 Assembly & Adults V Students Sport
NAIDOC Day on the Plateau
School Information
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting
North Coast Health Connect
Principal's Message
97.5% attendance for Weeks 4 and 5 - wow! An impressive result to support student learning plans, friendships and positive school experiences.
With the crisp and frosty mornings upon us, please remember to wear a warm-navy blue jumper or jacket to school. We have some in stock at school if parents would like to purchase a new one. A good way to use some of the student disaster funding.
Leah Keough
Every Day Counts
What's on for Term 2
- Wednesday 31 May - Tennis at School
- Wednesday 7 June - Tennis at School
- Monday 12 June - Kings Birthday Public Holiday
- Wednesday 14 June - Preschoolers Afternoon – 1.30pm to 3.15pm
- Monday 19 June - P&C Meeting - 4.00pm
- Tuesday 20 June - Special Lunch Order Day
- Thursday 22 June - Small Schools Athletic Carnival – Bellingen HS
- Tuesday 27 June - Term 2 Assembly & Parents V's Students Sport - 2.00pm
- Wednesday 28 June - NADIOC Day on the Plateau- Dorrigo HS
Consent Notes to be Returned
- Small Schools Athletic Carnival consent note
- NADIOC Day on the Plateau consent note
Fortnightly Awards
Term 2 - Week 6
K - 2 Class
Nash Chambeyron for great expression when reading.
3-4 Class
Hunter McGuire for effort and enthusiasm at school.
5-6 Class
Talia Shipman for demonstrating impressive thinking skills.
Tennis for Sport
Students are loving their weekly tennis lessons.
Yr 5 & 6 - GRIP Leadership Conference
Year 6 students had a great day at the GRIP Leadership Conference at Coffs Harbour Racing Club on Friday. The day was very fun and interactive, supporting their development as leaders. Thank you to Nickey McDowell for transporting our students to Coffs and back.
Walk Safely to School
We had a big trek to school from the Community Centre for our annual Walk Safely to School Day on Thursday 18 May.
We then enjoyed a delicious breakfast of yoghurt with fresh fruits and muesli. A great start to the day!
National Simultaneous Storytime
Last Wednesday we participated in National Simultaneous Storytime. Ms McNeill read the “The Speedy Sloth” written by Rebecca Young and illustrated by Heath McKenzie. We all enjoyed listening to the story and then making some Speedy Sloth bookmarks.
Gumbaynggirr Language Learning
K-6 continue their Gumbaynggirr language learning activities with Lesley each Wednesday. K-2 have been learning the names of body parts with a fun interactive program while 3-6 are learning Gumbaynggirr language for family members.
Djembe Drumming
In music this term, Years 4-6 are learning to play the Djembe drums. We have learnt about base, open and slap tones. We look forward to performing for you at our Term 2 Assembly.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
Look at our volcano creations....
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Week 4
Our learners were very enthusiastic in the garden on a beautiful Autumn day. We added lots of enriched soil to our berry patch and began transplanting strawberries and raspberry plants. We also planted lettuce and spinach seedlings as well as cleaning a large quantity of fennel seeds off their stalks. We harvested eggs (chooks slowing down but still great layers), capsicums, beans, cherry tomatoes, parsley, tiny cauliflowers, spinach, raspberries and shallots.
In the kitchen we cooked pizza scrolls, spinach and cheese filo rolls, egg & lettuce wraps, delicious cous cous and rhubarb & lemon biscuits. An awesome effort from each and every one of our 7 young cooks who only had 2 adults in the kitchen with them.
Week 5
This week we transplanted some strawberry plants to a netted garden and prepared a host of strawberry runners and plants which we will be selling at 5 for $5. If you are interested please call into the school office or send money to school with your child. We harvested eggs, raspberries, shallots, leeks, ram's horn tomatoes, chillies and herbs.
In the kitchen we cooked pumpkin soup with homemade curry paste, roti chanai flat bread, rockmelon slices from the garden, oyster sauce pak choy and oaty slice with apple, orange and dates , served with yogurt.
Cooking Award: Well done to Sunny Baff for excellent work in the kitchen.
Preschool Afternoons
On Wednesday 17 May we had a small group including Maisy, Chase and their dads join us for a fun filled afternoon. We enjoyed a story, created wind catchers to run with, made some stamp art and played a number of cooperative games.
Please come along and join us for our next preschoolers afternoon on Wednesday 14 June from 1.30pm to 3.15pm.
Kings Birthday Public Holiday
Don't forget Monday 12 June is the Kings Birthday Public Holiday. Enjoy the long weekend. We will see students back at school on Tuesday 13 June.
Small Schools Athletic Carnival
Our annual Small School’s Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 22 June at Bellingen High School Sports Oval starting at 9.30am and finishing at approximately 2.30pm. We will be taking Wykes’ bus to Bellingen on the day.
This year there are changes on how the carnival will run due to limited space at Bellingen High School. Only competitive students aged 8 years and above will be eligible to compete. Novelty events will not be held. K-2 students will remain here at school with Mrs Sangster as normal.
Students who normally catch Wykes’ bus will need to catch the High School bus run in the morning and will return home on the High School bus run in the afternoon. All other students will need to be at Tyringham Store at 7.50am and will be collected from Tyringham Store at 3.50pm.
If your child/ren are interested in competing in the 1500m events, these will be ran at 9am before the main carnival, and parents will need to provide transport. Please let us know if your child is competing in this event.
Please sign and return the attached consent note by this Thursday.
Change of Bus Routine
Due to the bus being used for the Small Schools Sports Carnival to Bellingen on Thursday 22 June, we ask K-2 students parents to please drive their child/ren to school and pick up after school on this day . Thank you.
Term 2 Assembly & Adults V Students Sport
Please join us for our Term 2 Assembly on Tuesday 27 June at 2pm. Parents and friends are invited to stay on after the assembly for a student V parent sports games. Sport to be decided.
NAIDOC Day on the Plateau
All school students on the Plateau will be participating in NAIDOC celebrations at Dorrigo High School on Wednesday 28 June.
The NAIDOC 2023 theme is "For Our Elders" - Across every generation, our Elders have played and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families.
We will catch the town bus to Dorrigo High School and home from Dorrigo High School in the afternoon. The cost of the bus will be $2.00 per student ($1.00 each way). There will be no cost for the activities on the day.
Students who normally catch Wykes bus will need to catch the High School bus run and return home on the High School bus run. All others students will need to be at Tyringham Store at 7.50am ready to board the town bus and be collected at the Tyringham Store at 3.50pm.
Students will need to wear full school uniform (sport shirt), appropriate footwear, hat and bring water bottles, packed recess and lunch.
Please sign and return the consent note that is sent home today by Monday 5 June.
School Information
2023 Learning Contributions
Learning Contribution fees for 2023 remain the same - $30.00 for the costs of student items provided by our school and $40.00 towards SAKG program which has ongoing costs each week, such as cooking ingredients, seeds and seedlings. Families can use their child/ren's flood funding to pay the SAKG subject fees if you chose. Please let Melissa know if this is what you wish to do. Thank you to the families that have already let us know.
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting
Our next P&C meeting will be on Monday 19 June at 4.00pm. We would like to have as many people as possible attend.
This is a wonderful opportunity to find out about and get involved with what is happening within the school. Please come along, share a cuppa and enjoy a relaxed and friendly gathering.
North Coast Health Connect
North Coast Health Connect is a free new service providing health support and advice from registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including public holidays. If you are a resident or visitor to the North Coast, you can speak or live chat with a nurse. The nurse will ask some questions to understand what’s troubling you and then provide advice on what your next step should be.
This may include self-care advice to help you to manage your health (or that of a loved one) from home, or the nurse may recommend a GP appointment or a consultation with a pharmacist. The nurses are able to book an appointment for you directly with a local general practice or pharmacy or if appropriate, can transfer you to a 24/7 GP telehealth service. If the nurse believes you need to attend an emergency department or see a different health service, they will let you know.
Visit https://northcoasthealthconnect.org.au/ for more info and save as a contact for when you need it by visiting https://qrco.de/bdkiJm or by scanning the QR code below.