Dundurrabin Public School Newsletter Term 2, Week 8, 2023
Principal's Message
Every Day Counts
What's on for Term 2
Consent Notes to be Returned
Fortnightly Awards
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
Tennis Shots
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Preschool Afternoons
Special Lunch Order
Small Schools Athletic Carnival
Change of Bus Routine
Term 2 Assembly & Adults V Students Sport
NAIDOC Day on the Plateau
School Information
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting - Monday 19 June - 4.00pm
Upcoming Community Events
Principal's Message
Last week, Mrs Bingle and I attended an Explicit Teaching Conference with our School Director, Sue Brown. This conference was a great opportunity for us to learn from other schools and increase our knowledge of current evidence based teaching practices. We’re excited to return to school to lead this work across our school and partner small schools.
Student reports for semester one are currently being finalised and will be sent home at the end of term. The report template used for this reporting period reflects changes required for the new K-2 English and maths curriculum. Some changes have also been made to the 3-6 report document. We are keen to hear from parents early next term as we seek feedback to make these documents informative and valuable to parents.
We thank Allan Pade from Harbour Tennis for delivering our weekly tennis lessons this term. Our focus on track and field events will continue in preparation for the Small Schools Athletics Carnival next week.
Leah Keough
Every Day Counts
What's on for Term 2
- Wednesday 14 June - Preschoolers Afternoon – 1.30pm to 3.15pm
- Monday 19 June - P&C Meeting - 4.00pm
- Tuesday 20 June - Special Lunch Order Day
- Thursday 22 June - Small Schools Athletic Carnival – Bellingen HS
- Tuesday 27 June - Term 2 Assembly & Parents V's Students Sport - 2.00pm
- Wednesday 28 June - NADIOC Day on the Plateau- Dorrigo HS
Consent Notes to be Returned
- Small Schools Athletic Carnival consent note
- NADIOC Day on the Plateau consent note
- Special lunch Order
Fortnightly Awards
Term 2 - Week 8
K - 2 Class
Amber Baff for being a digraph detective.
3-4 Class
Sunny Baff for showing maturity.
5-6 Class
Lucy Tyler for an impressive cockatoo sketch.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
In STEM the students were challenged to make a tower out of spaghetti in only 18 minutes. The tower had to be able to support the weight of a marshmellow on the top.
Tennis Shots
Our tennis lessons concluded last week with a game and some terrific action shots. The delivery of this program was funded via 'Sporting Schools' and we thank Allan for sharing his skills and tricks.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Week 6
This week we continued to have a production line to keep up with the strawberry plant demand. We had teams of children digging, clipping, dunking, counting, stuffing, wrapping and tying strawberries into bundles of 5. We harvested eggs, herbs, silverbeet, perpetual spinach, a few raspberries, parsnips and carrots. If you are interested please call into the school office or send money to school with your child to grab a bundle of 5 plants for $5.00.
In the kitchen we cooked root vegetable and parmesan fritters, spinach and feta savoury scones, waffle omlettes with cheese and herbs and a fresh fruit platter.
Cooking Award: Congratulations to Jaxon Bennett for amazing waffle omlette skills.
Week 7
Another great day of Winter gardening with beautiful and unseasonably warm weather. We enthusiastically trimmed our raspberry plants, dug weeds out, cleared garden paths, planted garlic cloves, and planted some peas. We harvested eggs, silverbeet, carrots, garlic chives, celery tops and chillies.
In the kitchen we cooked extra vegetable fried rice, pot sticker dumplings with homemade wonton wrappers and a vegetable filling, with a homemade green sweet chilli sauce. For dessert we made a chocolate self-saucing pudding.
Cooking Award: Congratulations to Quill Pankhurst for excellent leadership skills in the kitchen.
Preschool Afternoons
Please come along and join us for our next preschoolers afternoon tomorrow, Wednesday 14 June from 1.30pm to 3.15pm.
Special Lunch Order
We will be having a special lunch order day on Tuesday 20 June. Order forms were sent home last Friday. Please return orders and money to school by tomorrow.
Small Schools Athletic Carnival
Our annual Small School’s Athletics Carnival will be held on Thursday 22 June at Bellingen High School Sports Oval starting at 9.30am and finishing at approximately 2.30pm. We will be taking Wykes’ bus to Bellingen on the day.
This year there are changes on how the carnival will run due to limited space at Bellingen High School. Only competitive students aged 8 years and above will be eligible to compete. Novelty events will not be held. K-2 students will remain here at school with Mrs Sangster as normal.
Students who normally catch Wykes’ bus will need to catch the High School bus run in the morning and will return home on the High School bus run in the afternoon. All other students will need to be at Tyringham Store at 7.50am and will be collected from Tyringham Store at 3.50pm.
If your child/ren are interested in competing in the 1500m events, these will be ran at 9am before the main carnival, and parents will need to provide transport. Please let us know if your child is competing in this event.
Change of Bus Routine
Due to the bus being used for the Small Schools Sports Carnival to Bellingen on Thursday 22 June, we ask K-2 students parents to please drive their child/ren to school and pick up after school on this day . Thank you.
Term 2 Assembly & Adults V Students Sport
Please join us for our Term 2 Assembly on Tuesday 27 June at 2pm. Parents and friends are invited to stay on after the assembly for a student V parent sports games. Sport to be decided.
NAIDOC Day on the Plateau
All school students on the Plateau will be participating in NAIDOC celebrations at Dorrigo High School on Wednesday 28 June.
The NAIDOC 2023 theme is "For Our Elders" - Across every generation, our Elders have played and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families.
We will catch the town bus to Dorrigo High School and home from Dorrigo High School in the afternoon. The cost of the bus will be $2.00 per student ($1.00 each way). There will be no cost for the activities on the day.
Students who normally catch Wykes bus will need to catch the High School bus run and return home on the High School bus run. All others students will need to be at Tyringham Store at 7.50am ready to board the town bus and be collected at the Tyringham Store at 3.50pm.
Students will need to wear full school uniform (sport shirt), appropriate footwear, hat and bring water bottles, packed recess and lunch.
School Information
2023 Learning Contributions
Learning Contribution fees for 2023 remain the same - $30.00 for the costs of student items provided by our school and $40.00 towards SAKG program which has ongoing costs each week, such as cooking ingredients, seeds and seedlings. Families can use their child/ren's flood funding to pay the SAKG subject fees only, if you chose. Please let Melissa know if this is what you wish to do. Thank you to the families that have already let us know.
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting - Monday 19 June - 4.00pm
Upcoming Community Events
Wearable Art - School Holiday program - Wednesday 12th July at Dundurrabin Public School from 11am to 1pm. Contact: Leonie Pankhurst 0413 158 466
Fun & Fishing Trip to South West Rocks – Friday 13th to Sunday 15th October Two day trip to Stuarts Point & South West Rocks for Youth 12 to 18 years & for some parents or carers. Funded by F2F. Book now: Leonie Pankhurst 0413 158 466