Dundurrabin Public School Newsletter Term 2, Week 8, 2023 - Gazette
Principal's Message
Last week, Mrs Bingle and I attended an Explicit Teaching Conference with our School Director, Sue Brown. This conference was a great opportunity for us to learn from other schools and increase our knowledge of current evidence based teaching practices. We’re excited to return to school to lead this work across our school and partner small schools.
Student reports for semester one are currently being finalised and will be sent home at the end of term. The report template used for this reporting period reflects changes required for the new K-2 English and maths curriculum. Some changes have also been made to the 3-6 report document. We are keen to hear from parents early next term as we seek feedback to make these documents informative and valuable to parents.
We thank Allan Pade from Harbour Tennis for delivering our weekly tennis lessons this term. Our focus on track and field events will continue in preparation for the Small Schools Athletics Carnival next week.
Leah Keough
Every Day Counts
Fortnightly Awards
Term 2 - Week 8
K - 2 Class
Amber Baff for being a digraph detective.
3-4 Class
Sunny Baff for showing maturity.
5-6 Class
Lucy Tyler for an impressive cockatoo sketch.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
In STEM the students were challenged to make a tower out of spaghetti in only 18 minutes. The tower had to be able to support the weight of a marshmellow on the top.
Tennis Shots
Our tennis lessons concluded last week with a game and some terrific action shots. The delivery of this program was funded via 'Sporting Schools' and we thank Allan for sharing his skills and tricks.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Week 6
This week we continued to have a production line to keep up with the strawberry plant demand. We had teams of children digging, clipping, dunking, counting, stuffing, wrapping and tying strawberries into bundles of 5. We harvested eggs, herbs, silverbeet, perpetual spinach, a few raspberries, parsnips and carrots. If you are interested please call into the school office or send money to school with your child to grab a bundle of 5 plants for $5.00.
In the kitchen we cooked root vegetable and parmesan fritters, spinach and feta savoury scones, waffle omlettes with cheese and herbs and a fresh fruit platter.
Cooking Award: Congratulations to Jaxon Bennett for amazing waffle omlette skills.
Week 7
Another great day of Winter gardening with beautiful and unseasonably warm weather. We enthusiastically trimmed our raspberry plants, dug weeds out, cleared garden paths, planted garlic cloves, and planted some peas. We harvested eggs, silverbeet, carrots, garlic chives, celery tops and chillies.
In the kitchen we cooked extra vegetable fried rice, pot sticker dumplings with homemade wonton wrappers and a vegetable filling, with a homemade green sweet chilli sauce. For dessert we made a chocolate self-saucing pudding.
Cooking Award: Congratulations to Quill Pankhurst for excellent leadership skills in the kitchen.
Preschool Afternoons
Please come along and join us for our next preschoolers afternoon tomorrow, Wednesday 14 June from 1.30pm to 3.15pm.