Dundurrabin Public School Newsletter Term 4, Week 6, 2023
Principal's Message
Every Day Counts
What's on for Term 4
Consent Notes to be Returned
Fortnightly Awards
Term 3 Attendance Rewards
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Chess Tournament
Year 6 - Dorrigo High School Transition Dates
Special Lunch
Life Education
Kindergarten Transition Program
Year 5&6 - Far Out Science - UNE Armidale
Preschool Afternoons
Dorrigo Museum & RSL Excursion
Fun with Technology
Swimming Highlights
North Coast Flood Recovery Support Package.
Presentation Night
Bookclub Issue 8
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting
P&C Christmas Raffle
Dorrigo Show Student Art Section
Principal's Message
School Swimming Scheme
Our 10-day school swimming scheme started last week. This water safety program builds skills and confidence in young swimmers. Lessons focus on the development of correct swimming techniques and the development of water safety confidence. What an excellent program to ensure all children achieve individual success.
Thank you Tony
Friday was School Counsellor and School Psychologist Recognition Day, a day to recognise and celebrate the unique skills and role school counsellors and school psychologists play in supporting students, families and schools. Thank you Tony for all you do in supporting our students to reach their full potential.
Neighbourhood Safer Place- A message from the RFS
Neighbourhood Safer Places (NSP) are a place of last resort for shelter in a bush fire emergency and Dundurrabin Public School has recently been added to the official NSP list.
Bush fires produce life threatening flames and radiant heat and NSPs are an open space or building where a small number of people can shelter from fire for a short time.
NSPs are intended for use only when your Bush Fire Survival Plan fails or can’t safely be put into practice. It is unlikely that emergency or other services will be present if and when you need to use an NSP.
NSPs are not Evacuation, Assembly or Recovery Centres and they are not aimed at providing amenities or shelter for more than a few hours and are not intended for pets or livestock. People in the Dundurrabin and surrounding area displaced from their homes for longer periods or are leaving early ahead of a fire should plan to go to larger, more developed areas like Dorrigo or Armidale where they can find access to services.
It's important to note that the Dundurrabin Public School has rules and procedures in place, including limiting public access, to ensure the safety of pupils when they are present. Residents should not travel to the school with the expectation of waiting out a fire in the general area, particularly when the school is operating.
In summary, the NSP is for use as for last resort shelter in an immediate bush fire emergency and leaving early for a larger town is your safest option.
It is also preferable that people do not gather at the Tyringham RFS station as this can interfere with the movements and operations of fire fighting trucks and equipment and could be dangerous, especially to children.
Questions relating the NSP Program can be directed to the NSP Co-ordinator - Dan Gibson 0417 831 185.
Leah Keough
Every Day Counts
Attendance - Every day counts!
What are the parental legal obligations?
Education in New South Wales is compulsory for all children between the ages of six years and below the minimum school leaving age of 17 years. The Education Act 1990 requires that parents ensure their children of compulsory school age are enrolled at, and regularly attend school, or, are registered with the NSW Education Standards Authority for home schooling. Once enrolled, children are required to attend school each day it is open for students.
Arriving at school and class on time:
• ensures that students do not miss out on important learning activities scheduled early in the day
• helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine
• gives students time to greet their friends before class
• reduces classroom disruption. Lateness is recorded as a partial absence and must be explained by parents.
On occasion, your child may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:
• Being sick, or having an infectious disease
• having an unavoidable medical appointment
• being required to attend a recognised religious holiday
• exceptional or urgent family circumstance e.g. attending a funeral.
Explaining All Absences
Please remember to explain all days away from school. This can be done in person, by phoning the school or sending a text to the school mobile: 0411 939 188.
What's on for Term 4
- Monday 13 November to Friday 17 November - Intensive Swimming Scheme at Dorrigo Pool from 10am to 11.30am Daily
- Wednesday 15 November - Year 6 DHS Transition - 8.55am to 12noon & Special Lunch Order Day
- Wednesday 22 November - Life Education at Ebor PS
- Thursday 23 November - Kindergarten Transition - All Day
- Monday 27 November - P&C Meeting - 3.30pm
- Tuesday 28 November - Year 6 DHS Transition - All Day
- Wednesday 29 November - Preschoolers Afternoon - 1.30pm to 3.15pm
- Friday 1 December - Kindergarten Transition - All Day
- Tuesday 5 December - Kindergarten Transition - All Day
- Tuesday 12 December - Presentation Night - 5.30pm
- Thursday 14 December - Clean Up and Water Fun Day
- Friday 15 December - Sawtell Surf Beach Excursion & last day of Term 4
Consent Notes to be Returned
- Year 6 DHS Transition Consent Note
- Year 5 & 6 Interrelate Education Consent Note
- Education Hardship Funds
Fortnightly Awards
Term 3 - Week 2
K - 2 Class
Florence Budd for terrific application during spelling.
3-6 Class
Sunny Baff for great effort and improvement in swimming.
Quill Pankhurst for being a responsible leader at the pool.
Term 3 Attendance Rewards
Congratulations to the K-2 Class who had the most full attendance days last term. They got to enjoy an ice-cream as their reward.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Week 4
Due to wet weather the children designed new place cards for when we sit down to share our meal.
We harvested asparagus, celery tops, swede, shallots, kale, sliverbeet, herbs and eggs.
In the kitchen we cooked homemade Chinese noodles with simple soy sauce, Chinese omelette with omelette sauce and coconut tapioca pudding with pineapple and rockmelon.
Term 4 - Week 5
No time this week for gardening due to swimming.
We harvested asparagus, rhubarb, basil and eggs. From the freezer we used both red and yellow tomatoes.
Many thanks to Max Mears for delicious homegrown potatoes and Ms Cunningham for lemons.
In the kitchen, Katherine made potato and leek soup with bread, and the students cooked a variety of preserves for the show.
Chess Tournament
Well done to everyone who competed in our chess competition this year. Quill, Charlie, Lucy, Sunny and Bailey all made the final rounds and played some hard-fought knockout matches leaving Sunny and Lucy in an all-girl grand final.
Both girls sat down after swimming surrounded by their peers to play the grand final. Congratulations to both girls for their play and to Sunny who is now our 2023 Chess Champion.
Year 6 - Dorrigo High School Transition Dates
Year 6 have begun their High School orientation. During these days, they will orient themselves with the staff, students and routines of Dorrigo High.
The dates are as follows:
This Wednesday 15 November – 8.55am - 12.00 noon
Tuesday 28 November – 8.55am - 3.15pm - Official Statewide Yr6 High School Orientation Day
Please return the 28 November orientation consent note sent home today by Monday 20 November.
Special Lunch
Thanks to Cassie and Susan who will be providing us with a special lunch hot dog day this Wednesday 15 November - Yummy!
Life Education
Our students will join Ebor, Hernani and Chandler Public Schools on Wednesday 22 November at Ebor Public School to participate in a fun and educational day with Healthy Harold.
We will be travelling by Wykes bus. We will need to leave Tyringham Store at 8.00am sharp to ensure we arrive at Ebor Public School before 8.45am and will return to school by 3.15pm for normal pick up and afternoon bus run.
Students must wear full uniform and hat. Extra water is recommended as Ebor PS has limited drinking water available.
Kindergarten Transition Program
We had our 2024 Kindergarten students, Beth and Lachie join us on Tuesday 31 October from 11.20am to 3.15pm for another wonderful and fun day in the K-2 classroom.
Our remaining transition days are Thursday 23 November, Friday 1 December and Tuesday 5 December. These three day will be full day attendance. Please ensure to pack fruit for fruit break, recess, lunch and water.
Year 5&6 - Far Out Science - UNE Armidale
A brilliant visit to UNE on Monday 30 October for the Far Out Science Day at UNE. We explored science first hand with a chemistry magic show, coding activities and a rocket experiment. So much fun!
Preschool Afternoons
We had Harvey, Tahn, Maisie and Angus join us on Wednesday 1 November for a fun afternoon of ladybug craft and games with Miss Jones.
Our last preschooler afternoon for 2023 will be on Wednesday 29 November from 1.30pm to 3.15pm. Bring along a packed lunch/snack to join in with lunch and play with our students. Then there will be educational activities to help develop gross and fine motor skills as well as art and craft. All preschool children aged 1-5 welcome.
Dorrigo Museum & RSL Excursion
We were historians last Thursday when we visited Dorrigo Memorial RSL Club and Dorrigo Museum. We looked at interesting war memorabilia and local Dorrigo history pieces. What a terrific way to extend our learning about Remembrance Day and the history of our area.
Fun with Technology
Building our technology skills with Mr Williamson each Tuesday afternoon.
Swimming Highlights
North Coast Flood Recovery Support Package.
A balance of what families have remaining has been sent home today with your child/ren. Maybe consider stocking up on uniforms for future use! Please do not leave it until the last minute at the end of term to nominate how you would like to spend the funds as things get busy in the office the last few weeks. Thank you!
Presentation Night
Save the date!
Tuesday 12 December.
We will be holding our End of Year Presentation Night on Tuesday 12 December starting at 5.30pm.
Everyone is welcome! More information to come.
Bookclub Issue 8
Bookclub Issue#8 brochure was sent home today.
If you wish to place an order from this issue, please have your loop online order completed or your order forms and money (cash) back at school by next Monday 20 November.
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting
P&C Christmas Raffle
The P&C are having a bumper Christmas Raffle with lots of great prizes. Tickets were sent home today. The P&C is asking all families to sell these tickets to family, friends or community members.
They are also asking if families could donate some non-perishable Christmas goodies to go towards the P&C raffle hamper. Thank you.
Please ensure tickets and money are returned to school by Monday 11 December, ready to be drawn at our Presentation Night. Remember "You have to be in it to win it".