Dundurrabin Public School Newsletter Term 4, Week 8, 2023
Principal's Message
Every Day Counts
What's on for Term 4
Consent Notes to be Returned
Fortnightly Awards
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Dorrigo Show
Year 6 - Dorrigo High School Transition Dates
Dorrigo Public School Matinee Performance
Life Education
Kindergarten Transition Program
Preschool Afternoons
Swimming Highlights
Non Uniform Day- Tuesday 12 December
Presentation Night
Fun Clean Up & Water Play Day
Last Day of Term
Sawtell Beach Life Saving Surf Day
End of Year Reminders
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting
P&C Christmas Raffle
Blicks Placemaking Exhibition
Principal's Message
Dorrigo Show Success
Our sincere thanks to Mrs Sangster and Katherine for their organisation of fresh garden produce and cooking items for the Dorrigo Show. Congratulations to all students on a fine display of student artworks in the Pavilion also. What a tremendous display and representation of the great things we do here at Dundurrabin. Enjoy the photos further on in today's newsletter.
I need your feedback please...
Our school evaluations for 2023 have commenced. All families were emailed a link to a short online survey last Wednesday. All feedback is greatly appreciated and will assist us in reviewing our work and identify strengths and successes, as well as potential areas for development.
Swimming Wrap Up
Our school swimming program has concluded for 2023. All students displayed impressive growth in skill and confidence across the 10 days- well done! Proficiency certificates will be sent home with each student at the end of term.
Leah Keough
Every Day Counts
Please remember to explain all days away from school. This can be done in person, by phoning the school or sending a text to the school mobile: 0411 939 188.
What's on for Term 4
- Tuesday 28 November - Year 6 DHS Transition - All Day
- Wednesday 29 November - Preschoolers Afternoon - 1.30pm to 3.15pm
- Friday 1 December - Kindergarten Transition - All Day
- Monday 4 December - P&C Meeting at 3:30pm
- Tuesday 5 December - Kindergarten Transition - All Day
- Wednesday 6 December - Dorrigo Public School Matinee Performance - 12 noon to 3.15pm
- Tuesday 12 December - Presentation Night - 5.30pm
- Thursday 14 December - Clean Up and Water Fun Day
- Friday 15 December - Sawtell Surf Beach Excursion & last day of Term 4
Consent Notes to be Returned
- Dorrigo PS Matinee Consent Note
- Sawtell Beach Surf Day Excursion Consent Note
- Presentation RSVP
Fortnightly Awards
Term 3 - Week 2
K - 2 Class
Jack Duckett for helping younger students at Ebor PS Life Education Combined Schools Day and maturity during transition.
3-6 Class
Hunter McGuire for effort in reading.
Nikita Cheers for scoring the winning run in cricket.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Week 6
No time for gardening this week due to swinmming.
We harvested a variety of vegetables this week to use for our show preserves.
In the kitchen we made a variety of preserves for the show and Katherine made vegetable patty hamburgers for lunch.
Week 7
No gardening last week due to our much needed wet weather.
We harvested cabbages, zucchini, asparagus, rhubarb, shallots, red onions, leeks, white onions, garlic, strawberries, mushrooms, radishes, lettuce, coloured silverbeet, two types of kale, parsnips, carrots, swedes, beetroot, wombok, Asian greens, eggs and seventeen different herbs.
In the kitchen we made Okonomiyaki (Japanese cabbage omlettes) with lots of toppings like sweet soy, homemade Japanese mayonnaise, toasted sesame seeds, seaweed and our first prize winning pickled ginger.
We also had a fruit and vegetable platter, and fairy cakes with whipped cream to try some of our other award winning sweet preserves.
A big congratulations to all students for your Dorrigo Show winning preserves!
Dorrigo Show
Student artwork, cooking and vegetables from our school garden looked fabulous at the Dorrigo Show.
The preserves we made this term in the kitchen did extremely well at the show. Nearly everything we entered won a prize. We received twenty first places, three second places, one most successful ribbon and six most outstanding ribbon.
Our vegetables also were amazing. We received six first places, two second places and two most succesful ribbons.
With all our successful entries we were the most successful exhibitor in the pavillon, receiving a blue ribbon, a serving platter and our name on a trophy. We also received a bag of organic lifter fertiliser and various gift certificates for our wonderful local business’ to the value of $90.00.
The students should be very proud of what they have grown in the garden and made in the kitchen throughout 2023. Congratulations to everyone.
Thank you to our teachers for organising the produce and student artworks for this special community event.
Year 6 - Dorrigo High School Transition Dates
Tomorrow Tuesday 28 November, Year 6 have their last High School orientation. This is the official statewide transition day from 8.55am to 3.15pm (full day).
Students may catch the bus to and from the High School.
Please don't forget there will be no canteen on the day.
Students will need their swimmers, towel and money for pool entry as well tomorrow.
Dorrigo Public School Matinee Performance
We will be travelling to Dorrigo Public School on Wednesday 6 December to watch the “What's the Crime, Mr Wolf?” performance by Dorrigo PS students.
Transport to Dorrigo PS and return will be by Wyke's bus. The school will be paying for the bus, so there will be no cost to students for this excursion. This is a whole school excursion.
We will leave school at 12 noon and be back at Dundurrabin PS for normal afternoon pick-up / bus routine. Students are to wear full school uniform on the day.
Please fill out the consent note and return to school as soon as possible.
Life Education
Last Wednesday we met up with our friends from Hernani, Ebor and Chandler Public Schools for a visit from Healthy Harold. A long-standing tradition for our small schools and a calendar highlight we love. Team sports and Christmas activities to boot!
Kindergarten Transition Program
We had our 2024 Kindergarten students, Beth and Lachie, join us on Thursday 23 November for the whole day. In the morning we did lots of different activities including listening for sounds in words, practising writing our names, listening to the story Possum Magic and using our fine motor skills to decorate our possums.
After recess and a play outside, we continued our learning with some games, puzzles, playdough numbers and counting forwards and backwards songs. Finally in the afternoon we listened to the story One Hungry Spider, which had us practising our counting again, and made some spider web craft. Both our transition students had an excellent day of learning, playing and belonging at big school.
Our remaining transition days are Friday 1 December and Tuesday 5 December. These last two days will be full day attendance. Please ensure to pack fruit for fruit break, recess, lunch and water.
Preschool Afternoons
Our last preschooler afternoon for 2023 will be this Wednesday 29 November from 1.30pm to 3.15pm. Bring along a packed lunch/snack to join in with lunch and play with our students. Then there will be educational activities to help develop gross and fine motor skills as well as art and craft. All preschool children aged 1-5 welcome.
Swimming Highlights
Our Swimming and Water Safety program was terrific! Following two weeks of intensive swimming lessons and lots of pool fun, all students are now demonstrating improved water confidence and swimming skills.
Non Uniform Day- Tuesday 12 December
Students may come to school on Tuesday 12 December in non-uniform for the day, this way uniforms will be clean for presentation evening.
Presentation Night
Save the date!
Tuesday 12 December.
We will be holding our End of Year Presentation Night on Tuesday 12 December starting at 5.30pm.
Everyone is welcome!
Please come along and help celebrate the achievements of our students this year! Join us for our 2023 Presentation Evening on Tuesday 12 December starting at 5.30pm. Students are to go home after school and then return with parents/carers at 5.15pm in full school uniform (sport shirt) ready for the presentation to begin at 5.30pm. Our students will be performing two theatrical items and receiving awards for their ongoing efforts and achievements.
Our P&C will be providing some cold meats and BBQ sausages to share. We are asking everyone to please bring a plate of finger food / salad / dessert to share after the presentation.
Please return the RSVP that was sent home with your child/ren today as soon as possible.
Fun Clean Up & Water Play Day
Get ready to get wet! On Thursday 14 December all students are encouraged to bring their swimmers and a towel to school for a water fun day. We'll be giving our chairs and book trays a spruce up and also enjoy some water play fun.
Last Day of Term
Friday 15 December is the last day of school for 2023 for students.
This will be out Big Day Excursion to Sawtell Beach.
See below for the details.
Sawtell Beach Life Saving Surf Day
We'll be heading to Sawtell Beach RLS Club on Friday 15 December (the last day of Term 4) for a beach safety program. The day will be a fun-packed day full of sun, surf and safety. Transport will be by Wykes bus leaving Tyringham Store at 7.50am and returning at 4pm. Thanks to the generous donation from the Dorrigo Lions Club there will be no cost to students for this excursion.
Students need to come to school dressed in their swimmers (rash shirt and hat) and either sandals or thongs. They must have a packed uniform (shirt, shorts, trousers, jumper, underwear, socks & shoes) to change into, as well as a towel to dry themselves with. All children will need to have sun protection reapplied throughout the day, so please send any special sunscreen with your child on the day. The school will provide SPF50+ sunscreen.
Students will need to pack a big recess, lunch and plenty of water. They can catch the High School Bus run in the morning. Those students who do not catch the bus will need to be at Tyringham Store by 7.50am. Students can catch the High School Bus run home in the afternoon. Those students who do not catch the bus will need to be collected at Tyringham Shop at 4pm. Please sign and return the consent note as soon as possible.
End of Year Reminders
Year 6 Library Books to be Returned
Year 6 students are reminded to return any library books and bags they may have at home.
North Coast Flood Recovery Support Package Funds
A balance of what families have remaining has been sent home previously with your child/ren. Maybe consider stocking up on uniforms for future use!
Please do not leave it until the last minute to nominate how you would like to spend the funds as things get busy in the office the last few weeks. Remember if funds are not used by the end of week 9, they will be returned. Thank you.
P&C News and Community News
P&C Meeting
P&C Christmas Raffle
The P&C are having a bumper Christmas Raffle with lots of great prizes. Tickets were sent home previously. The P&C is asking all families to sell these tickets to family, friends or community members.
They are also asking if families could donate some non-perishable Christmas goodies to go towards the P&C raffle hamper. Thank you.
Please ensure tickets and money are returned to school by Monday 11 December, ready to be drawn at our Presentation Night. Remember "You have to be in it to win it".
Blicks Placemaking Exhibition
Have your say about future projects for the Blicks communities!Come along and see an exhibition showcasing the Strategic Placemaking Framework for the Blicks. The framework was developed at the August placemaking workshops (at the Dundurrabin school and the fire shed) facilitated by the Master of Architecture and Masters of Urban Planning and Design students from Monash University.
This interactive and informative exhibition will be set up in the fire shed. You can drop in anytime (and stay for as long as you like).
There will be some light snacks and cuppas available (so booking is required so numbers are known for catering).To book, call Shakti- 0448 879 642 or Leonie- 0413 158 466 or email - blicks2453@gmail.com or cara.macleod@monash.edu
Below are links to the Blicks Placemaking Exhibition at Tyringham RFS Shed 8436 Armidale Rd Tyringham on Sunday 3rd December 3 to 5pm
Video from the August Placemaking Workshops in the Clarence Valley