Dundurrabin Public School Newsletter Term 1, Week 8, 2024
Principal's Message
Every Day Matters
What's on for Term 1
Fortnightly Awards
Curriculum Reform Information
Parent survey - What would you like to know more about?
Easter Public Holiday Weekend
Harmony Day Luncheon - This Friday
The Big Vegie Crunch
Easter Hat Parade
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
New Fridge and Freezer
Ride2School Day
Gumbaynggirr Language Learning
Preschool Afternoon
Term 1 Assembly & Adults V Students Sport
ANZAC Day March
District Cross Country
Finlayson Cup Sports Day - Chandler PS
Book Club Issue # 2
Stewart House Donation Drive
Daylight Saving
School Reminders
2024 Learning Contributions
P&C News and Community News
Notice of AGM and P&C Meeting TODAY Monday 18 March, 2024 - 3.30pm
P&C Easter Raffle
Blicks Placemaking Projects
Yoga & Relaxation Classes with Shakti
Government Funded Program-Saver Plus
Principal's Message
Welcome to week 8. I hope you enjoy this fortnights newsletter and the spread of activities that have taken place recently.
NAPLAN - Completed for 2024
This week we pat our year 3 and 5 students on the back for their successful completion of NAPLAN. Each student participated with a positive attitude and a strong willingness to have a go. Nice work! Results will be available for families and the school soon.
Tradies Olympics Donation - Thank you!
Thank you to Phill Sedgeman and the organisers of the local Tradies Olympics for their recent donation of $100 to our school. This money is going towards our special Harmony Day lunch that we share with our school and local community. I look forward to seeing you all at school for this special occasion on Friday.
Leah Keough
Every Day Matters
Attendance Matters
Please remember to explain all days away from school. This can be done in person, by phoning the school or sending a text to the school mobile: 0411 939 188.
What's on for Term 1
- Wednesday 13 March to Monday 25 March- NAPLAN Test Window
- Monday 18 March - P&C AGM & Meeting -3.30pm
- Thursday 21 March - Big Vegie Crunch - 10am
- Friday 22 March- Harmony Day Lunch at School - 1.30pm
- Wednesday 27 March - Easter Hat Parade & Easter Raffle Drawn - 2.30pm
- Friday 29 March to Monday 1 April - Easter Holiday Weekend
- Thursday 4 April- Preschool Afternoon from 1:30pm
- Thursday 11 April- Term 1 Assembly & Parents V Students Sports - 2.00pm
Fortnightly Awards
K - 2 Class
Odessa Budd for terrific skip counting skills in maths.
3-6 Class
Kai Chambeyron for wonderful participation and listening in maths daily reviews.
Curriculum Reform Information
This week we continue to focus on mathematics as the last Curriculum Reform update and info #3 was a little unclear to read. Enjoy!
Parent survey - What would you like to know more about?
I hope you are feeling better informed as a result of our Term 1 Curriculum Reform Updates and Info newsletter snippets.
Please complete this short survey to help us plan for our future updates to best meet the interests of our families and community.
Mrs Bingle
Easter Public Holiday Weekend
Friday March 29 through to Monday 1 April is the Easter Weekend public holiday. Students will break on Thursday 28 March and return to school on Tuesday 2 April. We hope all families have a relaxed and safe Easter weekend.
Harmony Day Luncheon - This Friday
We will be holding a South American Feast here at school this Friday 22 March to celebrate Harmony Day. We invite all parents, carers, families, and community members to come along and join us by sitting down and enjoying a feast that the students will be preparing on the day.
The luncheon will begin at 1.30pm and conclude approximately 2.30pm.
Students can come to school on the day dressed in mufti (non-uniform) in orange clothes - the official
colour for Harmony Day.
The Big Vegie Crunch
Get ready to crunch! This Thursday 21 March at 10am we will be participating the The Big Vegie Crunch. The Big Vegie Crunch helps promote vegies in schools and also healthy eating. The Big Vegie Crunch is an annual event aimed at promoting healthy eating in NSW primary schools. It involves students across NSW crunching together on vegetables simultaneously to help build healthy eating habits. We'll help try to break the record for most kids eating vegies at the same time!
Easter Hat Parade
Please join us for our Easter Hat Parade and P&C Easter Raffle draw on Wednesday 27 March at 2:30pm.
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Week 6
We harvested shallots, zucchinis, capsicums, cucumbers, herbs, butterbeans, green beans, purple snake beans, tomatoes and eggs.
Big thank you to Trish for donating some wonderful watermelons and to Luk for suppling us with some chokos and tomatoes for our cooking lessons. It is always greatly appreciated when we get fresh locally grown produce donated to the school for the students to use.
In the kitchen, K-2 cooked a zucchini based pizza, topped with home-made tomato sauce, mozarella and our beautiful capsicums and tomatoes from the garden, herb and garlic butter bread knots, a fresh vegetable salad platter and cinnamon scroll iced biscuits.
Cooking Award: Congratulations to Odessa Budd for fantastic biscuit making skills!
Week 7
No gardening this week due to the wet weather. Students completed their still life composition art works of our garden produce with oil pastels. They are currently displayed on our office wall, so please come in and admire their work.
We harvested shallots, zucchinis, cucumbers, butterbeans, green beans, purple snake beans, tomatoes and eggs.
In the kitchen, K-2 cooked a scrumptious Cong You Bing special; consisting of flaky layered shallots in a savory pancake sandwich, a creamy mild snake-bean curry, wok tossed sweet chilli-soy zucchini, served with rice and fresh cucumbers from the garden.
Cooking Award: Congratulations to Beth Green for fantastic first-time dough making.
New Fridge and Freezer
Thank you to Bob and Katrina Sangster who delivered our new fridge and freezer to the school last week and to Chris for setting it up ready for use.
They are a pigeon pair and look fantastic in our kitchen, ready for the students to fill with all the yummy produce they grow in our gardens.
Ride2School Day
Last Wednesday we participated in Ride2School Day. It was a glorious afternoon to scoot and pedal our way around the school yard. We looked at current road safety rules for bikes and scooters, helmet safety and we even had our very own licence cards with demerit points.
Gumbaynggirr Language Learning
K-2 students are learning about trees, water, land, rocks and the ocean with Lesley.
Preschool Afternoon
Please come along and join us for our next preschool afternoon on Thursday 4 April from 1.30pm to 3.15pm.
Term 1 Assembly & Adults V Students Sport
Please join us for our Term 1 Assembly on Thursday 11 April at 2pm. Parents and friends are invited
to stay on after the assembly for a student V parent sporting event. Don't miss out, it's sure to be a hotly contested game!
ANZAC Day March
Dorrigo RSL Sub-Branch ANZAC Day 2024 ANZAC Day is Thursday 25 April, which falls in the second week of the school holidays.
Students are invited to attend the 11:00am March and Wreath Laying Service. We will assemble at the front of Dorrigo RSL Club at 10.40am, ready for step off at 11.00am.
Mrs Keough will march with our students. Young marchers are encouraged to wear their families’ medals and decorations.
Parental transport and supervision before and after marching is required. To look our best, full school uniform (school sports shirt) and navy hat must be worn.
Please return the consent note to indicate if your child/ren will be attending.
District Cross Country
The Bellinger District PSSA Cross Country will be held on the first Friday in Term 2, 3 May at Urunga. It starts at 10am for a walk of the course for the runners. Races start at 10.45am. If your child is 8 years old and above and interested in participating, please talk to Mrs Keough for more information and a permission note.
It is not compulsory for all students to attend and school will operate as normal. Parents will need to provide supervision and transport for this event, as no teachers from Dundurrabin PS will be attending on the day.
Finlayson Cup Sports Day - Chandler PS
We will be attending Finlayson Cup Sports Day at Chandler Public School on Friday 10 May (Week 2 - Term 2). We will be travelling on Wykes bus. There will be no cost for this excursion as the school will pay for the bus hire.
Students that catch the bus can catch Wykes high school bus run in the morning and return home on the high school bus. Students who do not catch the bus run will need to be at Tyringham Store by 7.50am in the morning and picked up at 3.45pm in the afternoon.
Cup days are always enjoyed as they are about participation, giving it your best and socialising with other students. Everyone has the opportunity to try each event, and points earned throughout the day will go towards our school's total score.
Students will need to be at Chandler PS by 9am. This is a whole school excursion. All parents and carers
are welcome to attend the event.
Consent notes are sent home today. Please return them by Monday 25 March.
Book Club Issue # 2
Book Club Issue#2 brochure was sent home previously. If you wish to place an order from this issue, please have your loop online order completed or your order forms and money (cash) back at school by Monday 25 March.
Stewart House Donation Drive
Stewart House Donation Drive envelopes were sent home previously. To enter the draw for the prize there is a $2.00 minimum donation.
The winning entry is for a $4000 family hoilday travel voucher to the destination of your choice. The winner will be contacted by telephone and email.
Please have your money and envelopes (with details filled out) back at school by tomorrow.
Daylight Saving
Just a reminder that Daylight savings is going to end shortly.
Daylight Saving ends Sunday, 7 April, 2024. At 3:00am clocks need to be
turned backward 1 hour to 2:00am.
School Reminders
2024 Learning Contributions
Learning Contributions for 2024 remain the same
- Voluntary School Contribution - $30.00 for the costs of student items provided by our school
- SAKG Program Fees - $40.00. This goes towards our SAKG program which has ongoing costs each week, such as cooking ingredients for our weekly lunch meal, seeds and seedlings.
Thank you to those families who have already paid.
P&C News and Community News
Notice of AGM and P&C Meeting TODAY Monday 18 March, 2024 - 3.30pm
Notice of AGM Meeting for Dundurrabin Public School P&C – TODAY, Monday 18 March - 3.30pm
Our P&C AGM will be held today, Monday 18 March at 3.30pm. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend. All positions Vacant. Membership costs $2 and will need to be paid before the AGM to allow you to vote.
This will be followed by our P&C Meeting. We would like to have as many people as possible attend. This is a wonderful opportunity to find out about and get involved with what is happening within the school. Please come along and enjoy a relaxed friendly gathering.
P&C Easter Raffle
Hippity Hop! It's time for our annual P&C Easter Raffle.
As Easter approaches, our P&C is looking to raise funds via our annual Easter raffle. We are asking if all families could please make a donation to be used as raffle prizes. This can include chocolates or anything Easter themed. Please send your donations into the school office by Monday 25 March. Thank you to those who have already sent items in.
The draw to take place on Wednesday 27 March at the school Easter Hat Parade. This will allow time for prizes to be delivered before the Easter weekend.
Blicks Placemaking Projects
Saturday 23 March - 4pm tp 5pm - at Tyringham RFS Shed. Community veiwing and feedback on the project proposals. Everyone is welcome. Cup of tea available.
Contact: Shakti 0448 879 642 E: blicks2453@gmail.com
For more information - E: pamela.denise@manash.edu or phone 0427 728 450
Please participate in the survey below. There are paper votes located at Tyringham Store and Dundurrabin Public School for anyone who would prefer to fill one out or has no internet service to complete it online. Thank you.
Yoga & Relaxation Classes with Shakti
4 weeks from 5th to 26th March 2024
Tuesdays 5.15 to 6.30pm at Dundurrabin Public School
Please Book: 0448 879 642 or E: shakti.mudra@gmail.com
Government Funded Program-Saver Plus
Families who join the program now until the end of March will have access to their matched savings before school starts in 2025 but this does not mean they cannot join throughout the year as we are able to bring participant on at any time during the year.
Saver Plus is a free matched savings program to assist families living on a lower income to receive $500 for educational expenses. We also provide Money Minded budgeting workshops with the aim to improve long term financial wellbeing.
Participants can double their savings. If you save up to $50 a month for 10 months, Saver Plus will double it. $500 saved + $500 matched = $1000 (in 10 months).
Participants can put that money towards educational expenses for themselves or their child (including uniforms, books, laptops and excursions).
Participants take part in MoneyMinded workshops to develop (and keep) good savings habits. Saver Plus fosters a sense of dignity and self-respect that extends beyond money matters.
Visit www.saverplus.org.au for more details.