Dundurrabin Public School Newsletter Term 1, Week 9 2023 - Gazette
Principal's Message
Welcome to Week 9.
Last week we hit an attendance milestone where we saw 100% of students at school for four consecutive days- how impressive! This achievement contributed to visibly higher levels of student engagement, learning progress, and positive playtime and classroom routines for all students. Consistent school attendance is the key. Let's keep it up!
As we embark on the final few weeks of term, we look forward to enjoying a variety of learning experiences. Ride 2 School Day takes place next Wednesday followed by the NRL Gala Day at Bellingen on Thursday. We're excited to be welcoming our family and friends to school for a Harmony Day lunch next Friday at 1:30pm, and again to our end of term assembly on Monday 3 April at 2pm. The finer details for these events are included in today's newsletter.
Have a great week,
Leah Keough
Fortnightly Awards
Term 1 - Week 9
K - 2 Class:
Amber Baff for being a responsible learner during all learning activities
3-4 Class
Henry Tyler for outstanding effort towards improving his handwriting and presentation in his bookwork
5-6 Class
Nikita Cheers and Talia Shipman for demonstrating positive mindsets
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden News
Week 7
This week each group liquid fed and watered their citrus trees, weeded around our apples, squash and parsley seedlings, weeded paths in netted garden and fed the weeds to the chooks and moved rocks in front of therapy room to around tanks next to the K-2 classroom in preparation for our new ramp that is being installed in the holidays. We harvested zucchinis, tomatoes, parsnip, carrots shallots, herbs and eggs. In the kitchen we cooked vegetable fried rice, sweet and sour fried potatoes, teriyaki roasted sweet potato and zucchini, with Chinese egg custard tarts.
Cooking Award: Bailey Freeman, for patience and leadership
Week 8
On a very warm Autumn day we tidied, weeded and watered our rockmelons & beans, weeded the paths in our netted garden, pulled zucchini plants to prepare for planting next week, and collected a large quantity of celery & fennel seeds. We harvested eggs, cucumbers, carrots, silverbeet, celery, shallots, capsicums, zucchinis, herbs and a variety of tomatoes. In the kitchen we prepared a delicious breakfast themed spread which included homemade baked beans, zucchini fritters, sultana & date waffles and chocolate muesli. As a special reward for 100% attendance for 4 days in a row, Katherine also made chocolate cakes with a delicious frosting.
Cooking Award: Quill Pankhurst, for excellent fritter making by himself
Preschool Afternoons
On Wednesday we had Alfie, Angus, Beth, Chase, Harvey, Maisie, Margot, Lachie and Lucy join us for a fun afternoon of Easter activities. We participated in some gross motor activities, read a story about Ed the chick and his egg, sang and danced, created Easter baskets, sun catchers, rabbit masks and enjoyed cooperative play.
Please come along and join us for our Term 2 preschool afternoons on Wednesday 17 May and 14 June from 1.30pm to 3.15pm.
Gumbaynggirr Language Learning
All students have been enjoying weekly Gumbaynggirr Language lessons with Lesley Green.
In K-2, students have been learning greetings, songs and actions that they can recognise and move to.
In the 3-6, we have been learning to introduce ourselves, about the language and culture of family groups and playing Simon Says to learn movement words. The students also enjoyed Lesley telling them some Dreamtime stories about our local area.
All our Gumbaynggirr language learning ties in with our literacy and history learning for Term 1 which makes these lessons even more rich for our students.
NRL Development Clinic
We are pleased to welcome Garry Stevenson, NRL Delevopment Officer, to our school this term. Garry is working with our students to hone our league tag skills in preparation for the upcoming NRL Gala Day next week.